Why become an Emart Member

Merchant Rewards

Enjoy exclusive discounts and savings with our Emart merchant partners.

Non-Expired Points

Collect points as long as the card is active (RM3 = 1point) on ALL items.

Point Redemption

Redeem Emart RM5 Gift Voucher with a minimum of 500 point only.

Birthday Bonus

FREE an Emart RM10 Birthday Voucher on 7 days before or after the actual birthday date.

2X Points on Emart Brand Products

Enjoy 2X member points on all Emart brand products.

Member's Promotion

Enjoy member price discount everyday.

Member's Event

Join 916 Member Day, Emart Day & Joyful Hours which offer exclusive prices & activities for member only.

Promotional Updates

Get promotional newsletter for FREE in email and SMS.

Purchase With Purchase Privilege

Purchase RM120 & above in a single receipt to join the Purchase with Purchase promotion.

Register Online

Get a virtual card online and a RM10 registration fee is applicable.
Step 1
Click membership-h.svg Register
Step 2
Fill in online registration form and make payment.
Step 3
Start using your Emart Membership Virtual Card & enjoy the benefits.

Register In Store

Get a physical card at any Emart outlet and a RM10 registration fee is applicable.
Step 1
Visit any Emart's Customer Service Counter.
Step 2
Show your IC to the Customer Service.
Step 3
Start using your Emart Membership Card & enjoy the benefits.

Emart Members Terms & Conditions

To become a member, please read and understand the following:
1. Applications are open to all regardless of nationality aged 16 and above.
2. Emart Membership Card is not a credit card and charge card.
3. Staffs and promoters at Emart are prohibited from using their Emart Membership Card when on duty and strictly not on customer purchases.
4. Each applicant can only apply for ONE Emart Membership.
5. Emart Membership is valid for One (1) year from the date of issuance.
6. Fees and Charges:

a. Registration Fee (For new applicant only) RM10
b. Renewal Fee RM10
c. Replacement of lost, stolen, or damaged Membership card (if any) RM10
Note: All payments received are not refundable.
7. An active or yet expired Emart Membership entitled to enjoy Membership benefits which includes but not limited to member price, member points collection etc., by presenting their Membership Card or Mobile Number or Identity Card Number to the Cashier DURING or BEFORE every transaction.
8. Every RM3.00 spent will be accredited 1 point. Emart Membership Points are not exchangeable or redeemable for cash or other items except those acknowledged in the Emart membership points redemption programme.
9. Emart Membership Points are non-transferable, sellable, or assignable to other persons.
10. Emart Membership Points are redeemable for Emart Gift Voucher with a minimum of 500 points. Refer https://systems.emart.my/MemberCard/home/memberpoint for details.
11. Points redemption can only be done by the Membership Owner at Membership Counter together with his/her Identity Card/passport and membership card.
12. Once Emart Membership expired, members are granted 3 months grace period to renew. After the grace period, all earned points will be forfeited.
13. Member may redeem a RM10 Birthday Voucher per annually provided with the following terms and conditions:
a. Redemption is applicable for active Emart member only.
b. The Birthday Voucher can only be used upon spending RM100 and above storewide in a single receipt at any Emart Group outlets.
c. Birthday Voucher is redeemable not more than seven (7) days before or after his/her actual birthday date.
d. Membership owner must present their member card and identification card/passport at the customer service counter to redeem the Birthday Voucher.
e. Birthday Voucher is not exchangeable or returnable or refundable with cash.
14. Members are strictly prohibited from publicly sharing their member cards on social media platforms for points accumulation and member pricing purposes.
15. Emart reserves the right to adjust the points or requirement, as well as substitute or replace items with items of an approximately equivalent value without prior notice.